
Books Of The Bible


Colossian 1

He's Coming For You. Jesus is coming for you. That is how Paul opens his letter to the Colossians by identifying himself as an apostle. v.1 Sent An apostle is someone…
Rick Soto
March 2, 2019
young boy reading the BibleColossians

Colossians * Jesus Supreme

Intro to the book Colossae resides in modern Turkey. By Paul's day the city had collapsed, and it's former glory was long gone. An earthquake leveled Colossae, and then the…
Rick Soto
March 1, 2019

Psalm 133

Unity comes from a divine place, and she is the after birth of grace. The current political temperature is cold to biblical unity. The founding of the United States, mainly…
Rick Soto
January 15, 2019